CASTAWAY alternate KB swings and burpees on the minutes for 5 min, then 3 min of XT Combo, 3 rounds, then Yippee Ki Yay
Category: workout
Workout #237
PARADIGM SHIFT 4 exercises on the minute then 2 min of tire jump RHBs/tire walk/run, 4 rounds, then Yippee Ki Yay then 20 burpees
Workout #236
700 Club, 3 min to get 100 reps, burpees after 100
Workout #235
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Workout #234
FIGHTING THE BREAKDOWN, ENGAGE 4 exercises on the minute then 2 min of tire walk/run and burpees, 3 rounds, then Yippee Ki Yay finish including fit beetle
Workout #233
YIPPEE KI YAY KETTLEBELLER 4 exercises on the minute then 2 min of tire walk/tire RHBs, 4 rounds, then Yippee Ki Yay finish
Workout #232
NO BOARDS 4 exercises on the minute then 2 min of tire walk/run XT jacks, 4 rounds, then Cobra Kai finish
Workout #231
GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE Do 9 reps of three moves then do hold move then repeat 9 reps x3 + burpees + Cobra Kai+
Workout #230
HURLEY-BURLEY 8 exercises on the minute, 3 rounds, then Cobra Kai finish
Workout #229
MORE PRACTICE 2 min segments 3x for first 4 stations + Kobra Kai station, one move for 25 reps then 2 moves for 10 reps each