Title: Rack ’em Stack ’em
Total time: 35 min +
Stations: 8
Different Movements: 15
Notes: 700 club, 4 min stations + a 2 min station, two moves per station, fun times
- Tire walk
- Tire walk
- Full tire squat
- Those things
- Hinge FL
STATIONS (4 min each, do first/primary move for 2 min, then exercise in parenthesis for 1 min, then back to primary move for last min, final station is 2 min hold)
- KB swings (squats)
- Ring rows (forward lunges)
- HIALS (tire run throughs)
- Tire push-ups (knees to elbow)
- Tire rows (KB overhead march)
- Burpees (tire jumps)
- Ring knee-up (tire deadlifts)
- Farmer’s hold calf raise