9 movements + XT jacks, 3 rounds, keeping it simple, sometimes count sometimes not
Author: Brandon Bales
Workout #310
20 min non-stop of 10 moves x 1min x 2, then the Benchmark
Workout #309
3 x 5 min stations x 2, 2 moves top of minute, third minute wildcard of tire jump pull burpee/fit beetle donk burp, then back to 2 moves
Workout #308
700 club, bank burpees, throw in 12 tire pull jump/climbs at 2 min mark, count ’em up
Workout #307
lotta KB moves, add-on format for first 18 min, then 20 reps in 2 min for last 12 min
Workout #306
4x 2 min stations x 3, tire climb with shuffle combos, FILL IN with KB swing/sumo squat/shoulder RL, then XT combos
Workout #305
3 stations x 3 min x 2, all combos in 3-6-9 format, then RAB and squat legovers and all 3 combos again
Workout #304
BENCHMARK after a 20 minute warm-up
Workout #302
3 stations x 5 min x 2, 3 rounds per station (3 min) in 14 rep sequence of 2/12 – 4/10 – 6/8, fill in with FILL-IN for :45/:45 then rest :30
Workout #300
5 stations x 3 min x 2, 30 reps each, fill in with Makers (count ’em up)